Swimming Tune up for US National TX Games in Pittsburgh next month.
I get to see where my Swimming is with 3 weeks to go.
I get to race in my new Speedo Fast Skin.
I get to Visit with Coach Mike Troy, Meet Commisioner and Double Olympic Gold Medalist. Mike & his partner Mike Walker(Former Olympic Team swim Coach) who prepared me last summer for the Worlds in Thailand.
In my book now is the time to prepare for August 2009 in Australia our next World Games.
The Big Picture:This is What it is all about.
Because my Donor Family said Yes,
I get to Live Large everyday!
Because We Can We get to show every day that Transplantation Works.
I am so Proud of everyone that was involved with Escape 2008.
It is just a step to our 2009 Efforts on that World Stage.
In Pit next Month I get to spend time with Brady Michaels Mom & Dad.
Stan & Paula Brady.
As a Parent I kind of get losing a Child but have really only walked
in the "Crash Dummy" Recipient shoes.
I want to share a few Videos Bradys Brother Chris put up on U Tube.
I'm betting some of you saw Brady in these Commercials!
Burger King Out Takes My Favorite:
The Actual Burger King Commercial
I saw this Chevy Truck Ad on TV I bet you did too?
UPN Tribute to Brady:
How Lucky am I to get a second chance at Life
and spend a week at our US National TX Games with my Donor Family.
Brady I'm Bringing My A+++ Game and
Every day Living Way Large Thanks To YOU!
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