We wrapped up 2014, first in mid September at Pebble Beach the beautiful Monterey Bay for the Triathlon at Pacific Grove. October is the Scott Tinley Triathlon in San Luis Obisbo at Lopez Lake. November El Tour De Tuscon. With January 2015 and the P.F. Chang's Phoenix Rock & Roll Marathon. Since 2002 we have raced some of these events. Look for the rest of our 2015 schedule soon. El Tour De Mesa April 11 in Arizona .
World Team in San Francisco

Saturday, February 16, 2008
The Road To Escape. We are in!
Yesterday after a long full day of work I visited our Sports Medicine Team for more corrective Work. Getting much stronger and in balance. But as I started new exercises up in the Gym I realized I'm still in the Sub Basement looking for the Pent House.
Many More things to work on.
Being way tired I decided to skip my Swim Session on an R & R day and try to get to bed Early for a change.
Some times Less is More.
With so much Flu going around I hit the Steam, Sauna & Whirlpool just to chill and relax.
Also a great Luncheon with the Scottsdale Quarterback Club.
Probably my next to last meeting as five Term President.
Hope to get two good rides in this weekend.
Get my packing and lots of work done as The Amgen Tour of Cali starts tomorrow.
Weds. AM we will leave Scottsdale for the Coast.
Left Coast as we call it!
I have not had time to get excvited about the trip Yet, but I will!
You can't just Enter Escape You have to Qualify
Qualify (Escape to)
Escape to Alcatraz Triathlon Series
Over the last 25 years, The Escape From Alcatraz Triathlon has established itself as one of the premier triathlons in the world and one of the few to be featured on national TV. Its popularity has also made it one of the hardest races to get into, on par with Kona and Ironman Canada.The Escape to Alcatraz Triathlon Series was developed in 2003 as an additional option for those looking to participate in the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon. The Series consists of up to ten qualifying events across the United States and Internationally. The top amateur men and women in the following events qualified for the 2008 Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon.
The London Triathlon; Aug 4-5, 2007; London, England
The Triathlon at Pacific Grove; Sept 8, 2007; Pacific Grove, California
Le Triathlon de Gerardmer; Sept 8-9, 2007; Gerardmer, France
Escape from the Gorge; Sept 9, 2007; Cascade Locks, Oregon
Westchester Triathlon; Sept 23, 2007; Rye, New York
The Escape to Bermuda Triathlon; Nov 1-2, 2007; St. George’s, Bermuda
Florida's Great Escape; March 9, 2008; Clermont, Florida
Additionally, the top men and women from the previous Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon will automatically qualify for the race as well.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
A few links for further info.
Almost need to start my plan & packing for next Weds. Departure.
Easier Day Today with several workouts in the Gym.
Still nice and warm here but Cold is coming back tomorrow for a few days.
Link for the 2008 "Escape."
Link to Story on Team USA in 2007 Escape.
Starts Sunday;
2008 Amgen Tour of California.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Second Day back in the Pool, Yea!
After our Team Doctor and two of his assistants worked on me I knew about my pain points and scar tissue.
They have minimized my pain from Rotator Cuff injury with great stretches.
I look forward to our next session on Friday.
Then it was off to the Pool for Day # 2 of my Swimming base training.
An our later I escaped the Pool with my first 2,500 Meter swim of the season.
I could still walk and talk.
Today is tough Hill repeats.
Hope to get out the door in the next hour.
The weather has been great.
As the rest of the US is in a wet deep freeze we have 75 to 80 F Beautiful Winter Days.
That's why I love the Desert.
One week until we leave for the Tour of Cali.
Yesterday we finished the pictures and Interview for a Feature Story Upcoming in the East Bay Magazine " Alive."
It should be Interesting.
Back to Work and Reality.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
February is here.Amgen Tour of California starts in 11 Days
A week from Weds. we will leave for the 2008 Amgen Tour of California.
Yesterday was a rest & recovery day but after work I finally made it to the Pool.
Nice 1,500 meter swim for my first day back in the Pool.
Not too sore today.
Hope you all are getting ready for Escape.
In lieu of local Cycling Time Trials on the 23 and Swim Meet on the 24 th I will continue my training for the upcoming season riding in Cali.
April 5 is El Tour De Phoenix with the
Tour For Tucson's Mountains April 27.
The season is almost here.
It looks like 75 F here today this PM.
I hate the cold.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Super Bowl 42 Sunday February 3, 2008
Above are a few
Clips from our
XVI World TX Games in Bangkok, Thailand
last summer 2007.
With rain starting already looks like I will head to the Gym and ride inside.
Yesterday we had a good two hour ride up in the hills just north of my home.
We rode by the FBR Open Golf Tournament with about 600,000 spectators for the week.
The Super Bowl has brought about 200,000 to the Valley even the though the Stadium only seats 70,000. Not stop parties, Media, bad Traffic but great for the economy.
It's Super Sunday in Arizona.
The Temp is down about 10 degrees F from Normal & Rain so un Desert like!