June 14th will bring the 2009 "Escape From Alcatraz" Deemed the Toughest most Technical Triathlon in the World it is something to respect and be in awe of.
Last year in the 55 degree water 3.5 mph current (2,100 exceptional Triathletes by qualification or invitation only) Irish Transplant Athlete Turlough O'Hagan excited the water about 96th place about 2.5 minutes behind two time Winner Olympian Andy Potts.

Followed by Geof McCracken (Ireland),Ray Velasco (USA)and Steve Deakin MBE another UK Athlete on our World Team. Our friends at the CAF lost Stevies prosthetic legs for over 10 minutes he searched before the run to Marina Green.

If you look in the blue outfit to the left of Steve you will see our friend Sara Reinersen chasing him.
Steve was recently honored with the MBE from Queen Elizabeth.

After the tough cold swim and run up to the Marina Green from Saint Francis Yacht Club it is the Cyclist's time. John Fairbanks here with US Army PR People. John the only Heart Transplant on Active Duty with our US Army.

Our two "Team Dummies" Stanford University Medical School Professor, Kidney TX, PHD and Cardiologist and very strong Cyclist Dr. Randy Stafford of Pal Alto.
Liver Transplant Recipient, Nuclear Physicist from Livermore Laboratories where he plots and photographs Nuclear Explosions Jerry Benterou.

Bill Wohl of Scottsdale, AZ. with cover girl Inspirational Speaker, Ironman, my hero Sara Reinertsen.

Our four World Elite TX Teams battled up and back as we headed over to the run.
Team II Bill , Ray and Chris Domine, Kidney TX, Ironman, Restaurant MGR from S.F. ran inspired getting us in the money with ruuner up rocks for the second year with a 2:46net time finish.

Next was Dennis Lee of Alameda for TeamIV.
Then Team III runner from Liverpool, Kidney TX Kathy Cross totally lost it as she ran down the finish chute
as she heard her Daughter shout " Go MUM."
Stevie D. had secretly arranged it all.

Team Number I had John Fisher of London, England come in next as the time hunting for Stevies Legs never was made up.
John does some great Donor Awareness Activities in the UK and competes all over the Globe in Major Running Events.

What a Great Event as our Thanks Go out to
Terry Davis and all our Friends at Tri California
for allowing us to Experience this World Class Event.

Our Thinks to Team Velasco, Heather, Greg, Nike etc. and all those that made it happen for our 2008 Great Adventure at the Escape From Alcatraz.

On to 2009 Escape
June 13th & 14th as we also begin Prep for 2010
showing Transplantation
Works World Wide. Two Kidney TX and a Heart TX Runner Up two Years Straight.


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