I just shake my head as I recount my journey from a massive heart attack Easter Sunday, March 1999.
The years events of 1999 through 2000 are a blur and distant memory of "from whence I came." The congestive heart failure brought about by my heart attack damage. Precipitated by my jaw infection, then Pneumonia. Then in September of 1999 as my organs failed the implantation of my Total Artificial Heart as I literally expired. My month in a coma, followed by Impaema and two life saving Thoracotomies. Learning to talk, walk, eat, think and all motor skills to be relearned. My two videos shot while bionic on the SynCardia TAH-T looking like a pale scare crow. Somehow fighting to live and finally get healthy enough just to be listed for a new heart.

The early morning of February 22, 2000 as my night nurse woke me up to let me know "we might have a new heart for you today." Later that morning into the OR for my life saving heart transplant.

A second chance thanks to
Brady Michael's "Gift of Life."
My new Heart.
A chance to begin again.
A song verse from the Grateful Dead, " What a long strange trip it's been."
2010 is my rebirth and return to living and building my dreams again.
No, not the Alvin Lee epic song
(I'm going home.") blues, rock band legend of days old and long ago
(album #2 titled Undead.)
Live album by Ten Years After
For me:
"Ten Year's After-
'Ten Years After'................ My Transplant Anniversary February 22, 2010.
My Gift of Life."

Stan & Paula Brady Gold #1 in Pittsburgh.

Bill & Stan Brady Team Cup and Gold # 2

2008 NKF US TX Games PIT.
Three Gold one Silver for Bill.
Three new American Records.

Bangkok, Thailand XVI WTG August 2007.
Bill Wohl Team USA Cycling Captain Second place Time Trial Fourth Road Race.
Tempe International Triathlon, Team USA
First place overall Men's Open Relay.
November 2008
Bill & Jaynee before the start El Tour.
2010 is off to a great start as I train hard, work hard to rebuild my little universe.
So many more bends and a never boring road as I get to live and dream my life to the fullest.
"I'm Living Large, Dude."

Thank You Brady!

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