A special Thanks to Nike and Terry Swartz their Ace Rep.

DeeAnn Smith
USA Cycling Level 1 Coach
USA Triathlon Level 2 Coach
Treasurer, USAT SW Region BOD
NASM, Certified Personal Trainer
"It's a little like wrestling a gorilla...
You don't quit when you're tired,
you quit when the gorilla is tired."
My friends @ E Soles that keep me on the Road. What a great Orthotic group of Products. Thank You!

My Rehab has begun, Yea! Back in the Pool, Gym and Biking on the Road again.
My Lungs are clearing up from my Deadly Fungal Aspergillosis infection.
Now the tail end of Cold or Flu that is going around seems to be almost gone.

A friend gave me a copy of the Fall issue of the U. of A. Alumni Magazine.

The Windsor, Ontario Newspaper last August after First Overall and New Canadian Games record in the 20 K Road Race.

I love my Trek bike Compliments of Trek, Landis Cyclery and my awesome Coach Deeann Smith of Gorilla Sports.
Recently Completed my Allomapping blood work @ UMC for XDX who helped Sponsor my 2007 Escape race.

SynCardia my Sponsor for my World Games Trip this August to Australia.
April 4 I will be racing on my SynCardia Team in El Tour De Phoenix.
Then April 26 th again with SynCardia for the Tour Of Tucson's Mountains.
To be Training again is beyond belief.